Send Your Ads Together With Trusted Content

When your company uses native advertising from LI Digital those ads are embedded in trusted content. Native ads are normally placed inside news articles under a heading such as “suggested content”, unlike social ads which show up on normal feeds.

The Interactive Advertising Bureau classifies native ads into several different categories: Story Ads, Video Ads, Product ads, and App Install ads. Display ads are normally shown outside of the relevant content, but native ads are placed within the content. This means they are more likely to be clicked.

The Numbers Tell The Story

  • Native ads are 27% more trusted than social ads
  • Spend on mobile native doubled from 2018 to 2020
  • Native ads increases purchase intent by 18%
  • Native ads on news sites are trusted by 44% of viewers
  • When native campaigns run for at least 6 months, CPC drops by 36%
  • Native ads’ engagement rates are 20 to 60% higher than display as

Native Ads Can Work For You

Businesses Use Native For These Reasons


High Visibility

As native ads tend to organically blend into websites’ content, users are less likely to ignore these ads, leading to a higher probability of purchases. Native ads also normally get more attention than other types of ads.

Reaching New Audiences

The main reason businesses look at native advertising is because they want more opportunities than the normal digital ads commonly used. Consumers often experience advertising fatigue which then leads to certain ads performing worse over time. It may be time for you to start looking at native ads if you are experiencing your traditional online advertising having become ineffective.

Improved Relevance

Although native ads seem to be part of the natural content, studies indicate that consumers see native ads for what they really are - ads. People are comfortable when they see native ads as they normally see them directly after a trusted blog post or news article.

Will Native Ads Work For Your Business?

Native advertising does not benefit all businesses and it requires more work to do it correctly. Typical programmatic ad will take a user to your homepage, but a native ad typically takes the user to an authoritative page on the site. Businesses often don’t have the required resources to include this type of page on their websites. The sectors that normally do very well in this area include banking, healthcare, non-profits, and education.

Most small businesses discover that native ads don’t work very well for them as it can’t be used as a branding tool. Native ads normally don’t lead consumers to thinking of business when they see them, but will rather trigger their curiosity, which leads them to clicking the ad and learning about your business or service. If you need to do branding, you should rather focus on social marketing or display ads. Native can however work very well if you want to drive traffic to a specific page on your website.

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